NSPM for Large Enterprises

Network and Security Policy Management (NSPM) serves not only as a fundamental network and security responsibility, but also as a business enabler by regulating access to applications for hundreds and thousands of users and devices on an ongoing basis. Manual handling of such a large scale task is not attainable, and therefore many large enterprises have rightly invested in commercially available NSPM automation technologies. Despite these investments, large enterprises still struggle to achieve efficient NSPM automation.

Why Choose Opinnate with CyberRey?

Rule Analysis: Unused, Shadowed, Permissive

By making rule analysis identify unused, shadowed, or permissive rules

Real Customer Use Cases

Real-life use cases coming from real customer experience

Effort Transfer: User-Friendly UI

Use your gained effort from policy management on other topics that you have interest by the aid of user friendly UI

Virtualized Multi-Tenant Infrastructure

Use a virtualized and multi-tenant infrastructure for your customers or subsidiaries

Firewall Rules: Policy Compliance

By making use of corporate security policy checks make your firewall rules compliant with it

Key Features of Opinnate


Make risk assesment of your firewalls all the time to see what are the missing points and what action to take


Write your policies in user-based instead of ip based policy creation


Policy changes no matter how complex the
request is or how many requests exist can
easily be handled with real-life use cases


The mechanism is unique to Opinnate and collect just the filtered syslog data for the sake of system performance and disk usage.


Group your policies for your applications to
see overall application map on firewalls and
ease policy change process


Notify the owner before the rule expiration not to cause any misunderstanding or downtime

Benefits for Your Business

Multiple Segments:

Each new project or application brings new network segments and it results in additional firewall usage.

Minimum Rights Principle:

Network access from any two IP address on different segments is given based on the needs and permissive rules are eliminated.

Multi-vendor Usage:

Usage of at least two different vendor in their infrastructure is quite common in enterprises nowadays.

Cloud Adoption:

Hybrid cloud is generally the best preffered way of cloud adoption and it requires cloud firewall usage.


Ready to Rediscover Your Cyber Limits?

Contact CyberRey today to learn more about Opinnate and how our value-added distribution model can help you leverage its full potential. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire process, ensuring a smooth implementation and a secure future for your organization.

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