Take control of your full attack surface.

CyberRey: Your Value-Added Partner for Halo Security

Traditional vulnerability and risk management solutions were designed for traditional networks. Halo Security takes the attacker’s perspective to help you identify, assess, and monitor the risks across cloudsthird-party providers, and organizational silos.

Why Choose Halo Security with CyberRey?

Attack Surface Inventory

Automatically discover and catalog internet-facing assets that belong to your organization.

Monitor Subsidiary Risk

Understand the risk posture of subsidiaries and organizational units.

Assess Security Program Effectiveness

Gain continuous and consistent visibility into the external risk posture of your organization.

External Vulnerability Management

Identify, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities and issues across your internet-facing assets.

Evaluate Mergers & Acquisitions

Get immediate visibility into the risk posture of potential M&A targets.

Achieve PCI Compliance

Obtain PCI compliance reports from an Approved Scanning Vendor.

Key Features of Halo Security

AI-Powered Threat Intelligence

Utilizes advanced AI and machine learning to identify and block malicious domains with exceptional accuracy.

Extensive Content Filtering

Offers a comprehensive library of pre-defined categories and allows custom filtering based on your specific needs.

Fast and Reliable Performance

Delivers high-performance DNS resolution for a seamless user experience.

Easy Management and Reporting

Provides a user-friendly interface for easy configuration and access to detailed reports on blocked threats and network activity.

Flexible Deployment Options

Supports various deployment options, including on-premise, cloud-based, and hybrid models, to suit diverse business needs.

Expert solutions

We’ll walk you through our recommended fixes to the discovered vulnerabilities listed in your report.

Benefits for Your Business

Identify all your internet-facing assets

You can't protect assets if you don't know they exist. That's why you should always start by cataloguing every asset you control. We’ll help you find every related domain, IP and port that’s exposed to the internet. Once categorized, you can easily assign the right scanning and testing to them.

Discover issues and apply best practices on your websites

While websites are essential to most businesses, they create many security risks that change over time. Once you've eliminated access to unnecessary services, it's best to focus on making sure your websites are protected.

Fix coding errors that create security risks

For custom-coded applications, you'll want to do more than look for server vulnerabilities. Our application scanning relies on Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) to find the errors that can allow OWASP Top 10 issues like SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

Test your defenses

Once you've addressed all the issues that can be found automatically, a penetration test can help determine if there are any ways for an attacker to access your data. Our experienced penetration testers will use a variety of methods to try to manipulate your systems to expose data they shouldn't be able to access.

Analyze and reduce services available on your firewalls

Once you’ve identified all of your internet-facing assets, understanding and reducing unnecessary services allows you to cut off entry points an attacker could use. With Firewall Scanning, we detect and monitor all the open ports, services and protocols across all your targets.

Identify and patch server vulnerabilities

Once you've addressed any issues detected on your websites, it's time to focus on server vulnerabilities. Since you've already identified the assets on your attack surface and hopefully eliminated unnecessary exposures, a vulnerability scan is likely to give you a much more manageable number of vulnerabilities to remediate.

Achieve PCI compliance

For every asset that processes, transmits or stores credit card data, you'll need to run a more sensitive scan to achieve PCI compliance. Once you've found all possible PCI vulnerabilities and remediated the necessary ones, you can easily submit your report to us, an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV), for approval.

Monitor and repeat

Continuously discovering, scanning and monitoring your attack surface will help you identify security risks as quickly as possible. Remediating cybersecurity risks as soon as they are introduced will help your organization protect its customer data.


Ready to Strengthen Your First Line of Defense?

Contact CyberRey today to learn more about Halo Security and how our value-added distribution model can help you maximize its benefits and achieve a more secure digital environment. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the process and ensure a successful implementation.

Unlock Growth Opportunities: Partner with CyberRey for Business Success ​

We understand that navigating the complex world of cybersecurity can be daunting. At CyberRey, we are here to help. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and learn how we can partner with you to build a robust and resilient security posture for your organization.

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